Performance improvement of WordPress by introducing cache plugins


As mentioned by this tweet, I am interested in accelerating web service.

In this article I introduced caching plugins of WordPress to shortcut processing.
I performed benchmark before and after.

You can see where it is.

Other improvements are in this article.

What I did

I just installed caching plugins and activated.
Yes, we can tune by customizing each configuration item, but I don’t want to use time.

- 001 Prime Strategy Translate Accelerator
- Async JavaScript
- Autoptimize
- WP Super Cache

001 Prime Strategy Translate Accelerator

This is plugin to cache translate result.
– This blog has Japanese as well as English, that’s why.

 What you need to do is install, activate plugin itself and check Enable to cache the translation files.

Async JavaScript

This is what I want to introduce.

Only you need to install, activate and check Enable Async JavaScript?.


This is Autoptimize. Very easy to find, isn’t it?

This plugin also need to be just installed, activated.
Be careful to confirm with your site because my site didn’t work well when I check Optimize JavaScript Code?.
Actually source code viewer was broken.

 In my case checking Optimize CSS-files? and Optimize HTML Code? are OK.

WP Super Cache

This is WP Super Cache.

Needless to say you only need to install, activate, and check Caching On (Recommended).
Very easy!

Expiration time is too short because default value is 1800 secs.
I expanded to 86400 secs which is 1 day.

Before vs after

I use this article image which runs on Raspberry Pi 4 as “Before”.

I measured with below condition.

- Using LightHouse in Developers Tools of Chrome browser.
  Checking Performance only
- Taking median as representative(n = 5).
- Measuring on secret tab of Chrome.

<—Mobile Desktop—>

<—Mobile Desktop—>

Mobile improved 7 points, Desktop did 5 points!
Mobile is close to 200% better than before!


How was it?

This improvement is just installing some plugins! Very easy!

You can find Nginx performance up in here. 

This article shows how to accelerate PHP.


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