
Amazon Linux

How to install mod-security which is WAF to Lightsail?

I installed mod-security which is one of most famous WAF(Web Application Firewall) to Lightsail.I unexpectedly struggled...

Let's start blogger life with WordPress on Lightsail!

This article summarizes how to establish your blog server running on Lightsail which is one of service privided by AWS! Monthly cost is about 10 USD, very cheap, so this is recommended those who has skill Linux. I put all images/commands to be run, you don't need to worry about anything!

How to activate HTTPS on WordPress on Lightsail?

In this post there is procedure how to activate HTTPS on WordPress running on Lightsail. You can do it without any mystake because here you can see all commands to be done!

How to fix redirecting when accessing Lightsail's WordPress?

This article shows how to resolve redirecting with command to be run!

How to get original domain name and assign to Lightsail?

This post shows how to get your original domain name and assign to your Lightsail instance! You can choose paid domain name or free domain name, I recommend paid one because it is about 1 USD per month!

How to assign fixed IP address to Lightsail instance?

This article shows how to assign static IP address to Lightsail instance! You can do it with this post which has all images!

How to create WordPress instance on Lightsail?

If you are looking for blog server running on AWS this article perfectly suitable for you! All images and commands to run is in here, so you don't need to worry about anything!