

How to resolve An unknown error has occurred while uploading files to Nextcloud?

I faced problem like below when I upload file. An unknown error has occurred Conclusion is HTTP 413 Request Entity Too L...

Moving OneDrive data to your Nextcloud

My wife wants to use Nextcloud as cloud storage. My wife The occupancy of OneDrive is about to exceed 100GB!I want to es...

How to resolve video thumbnail cannot be created in Nextcloud?

Usually video thumbnail is created when you upload video file to your Nextcloud like this. But in my case it isn't like ...

How to resolve “Strict mode, no HTTP connection allowed!” ?

This article is about Nextcloud again. In my Nextcloud environment I use Two-Factor TOTP Provider as 2 factor authentica...

How to resolve when you face “Error loading xxx.jpg” on Nextcloud? 

I faced problem when I intended to see some image files on Nextcloud as preview.Android application and Chrome browser b...

How to convert Nextcloud database from sqlite3 to mysql

My wife wants to use Nextcloud as cloud storage. My wife The occupancy of OneDrive is about to exceed 100GB!I want to es...
Raspberry Pi

Performace improvement of WordPress by running on M.2 SSD

This post will be the last of improvement? I switched to use M.2 SSD for boost up Raspbian of course including WordPress...

Performance improvement of WordPress by running on 64bit OS

Raspbian which is OS for Raspberry Pi has 64bit edition so I tried it. - 64bit edition is beta stage at 10/09/2021, so p...

How to accelerate WordPress

In this article let me summarize how to accelerate WordPress. System architecture You can find from my github. Nginx Tar...

Performance improvement of WordPress by using WebP as image

This is one of WordPress accelerating activities. This article is for using WebP as image format to be sent to client. -...