

How to assign fixed IP address to Lightsail instance?

This article shows how to assign static IP address to Lightsail instance!You can do it with this post which has all images!

How to create WordPress instance on Lightsail?

If you are looking for blog server running on AWS this article perfectly suitable for you!All images and commands to run is in here, so you don't need to worry about anything!
Todo Apps

I recommend “Nimbus Note” among 14 todo apps!

I tried 14 different apps to find best todo app for me for managing private task. - Do jogging, Writing blog article,......

How is GTRACING gaming chair for working from home?

I used GTRACING gaming chair GT901BLACK for 2 weeks.I can show pros and cons because I actually used it!If you are interested in this chair, this article is very useful!
Amazon Linux

What is Amazon Linux 2? Let me introduce how to use!

If you are interested in Amazon Linux2 this article completely matches to you!Here you can see my review of Amazon Linux 2.After reading it you know Amazon Linux 2 more than now!

How to use Raspberry Pi Imager on Ubuntu ?

This article shows how to flash OS image to your microSD by using Raspberry Pi Imager in Ubuntu!There are many screen shots so it is very easy to complete without any mistake!

How to use Raspberry Pi Imager on Windows10?

This article shows how to flash OS image to your microSD by using Raspberry Pi Imager!There are many images so it is very easy to complete without any mistake!
Access Analysis

How to use Matomo Analytics in WordPress ?

I continue to introduce how to use Matomo Analytics!With it you can pick up topic how you can improve user access to you blog page!
Access Analysis

How to install Matomo Analytics in WordPress ?

This article shows how to install/use Matomo Analytics which is one of the strongest rival of Google Analytics!You can manage access analytics data by yourself without passing data to Google!
Linux Kernel

The list of zram parameters

This article shows all parameters of zram which is module of linux kernel.You can customize zram as what you want!